Thursday, March 11, 2010


Below are two images showing how inhabitants approach and move through the house. The main public living area is on the first floor, and because of this, the main path through the house is from the outside pool area and up into the main living area via a flight of stairs. The ground floor, which contains two bedrooms and a bathroom is also accessible from the main walkway in the outside pool area.

The main pedestrian access into the site is via the gate on the left northern boundary. Pedestrians then follow this main walkway past the pool area and towards the main door located on the left of the front facade. The main path choreographs a U-Shaped movement throughout the house, with visitors passing the Poinciana tree from the site entry, walking via the bridge (main walkway) to the front door, progressing up the first flight of stairs into the main living area, then through the kitchen to the main open deck area, down the flight of stairs which will bring them into the open front garden. This path is shown in the First Floor image below. The way in which inhabitants and visitors of St Lucia House move through the spaces is an important factor in the houses design, and is one of the major factors that influenced the plan of the house.

 Ground Floor

First Floor

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